Та 6 өдөр бидэнтэй хамт Нийгата мужийн жижиг дунд үйлдвэртэй танилцаж , түүх соёлын дурсгалт газраар аялах аялалд бүртгэж байна.
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Хөтөлбөрт олон сонирхолтой үзвэр, сюприз бэлдсэн байгаа.
Яагаад Нийгата гэж?
Нийгата муж нь Хоншү арлын төвийн ойролцоо оршдог бөгөөд Япон тэнгис рүү харсан хойноос урагшаа сунаж тогтсон, Японы 5 дахь том хот юм.
Нийгата мужийн онцлогоос дурдахад:
Эрчим хүчний цэг болох Яхико сүм
Японы хамгийн том алтны уурхай болох Нийгата мужийн Садо алтны уурхай
Японы хамгийн их цастай бүсүүдийн нэг тул цанаар гулгах зэрэг өвлийн спортоор хичээллэх олон газартай
Цагаан будааны үйлдвэрлэлээрээ улсдаа нэгдүгээрт ордог Японы тэргүүлэгч будаа үйлдвэрлэгчдийн нэг гэдгээрээ алдартай
Мөн саке үйлдвэрлэдэг газруудын тоогоор Япондоо тэргүүлдэг бөгөөд та тэдэнтэй танилцах боломжтой.
Day 1
There are abundant wildlife species such as marmot, wolf, gecko, and marmot from Argali Mountain to Bugzin and Berkh Uul. There are also rare birds such as White Crane, White Crane, Black Crane, Blue Crane, Black Stork, and White-tailed Eagles. The nature is beautiful and there are also historical and cultural monuments. For example, the ridge of the city of the High-dov in the XIII century is here. There are also ancient tombs, shrines, cemeteries and human stones. “Gun Galuut” tourist camp L,
Book the TourDay 2
In the territory of Gorkhi-Terelj tourism area of Khentii Strictly Protected Area, 65 km of Ulaanbaatar is located in Nalaikh district, which is shaped like a frog with frogs. It's 24 meters high, and it's called Silver Rocks and Silver Rocks. In the Battle of Zuunkhaan, King Galalanboshigt King Manchu suffered a great deal of damage, but he escaped the escaped blockade of the unstoppable battle and fed the remaining power behind the Turtle Rock. When the warriors were prepared to flee to the
Book the TourDay 3
Dundgovi is 230 km from Ulaanbaatar. The rocks and rocks are located about 300 square miles in height, surrounded by surrounding areas. The highest peak is 1768 meters above sea level. In the valleys and valleys of the mountains covered with granite flows, springs and springs originated from the mountains.
Book the TourDay 4
The famous "Yol valley" is one of the nine wonders of the South Gobi province, located on the eastern hill of the "Gobi Gurvan Nuadu" mountain, the continuation of the Altai Mountains. This beautiful mouth was very early in 1965, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Great Powers, Mongolia became the Strictly Protected Area of Mongolia. In 1993, the State Great Hural approved Resolution 83 by the Gobi Gurvan Nuur National Park. One of the most beautiful places in the easter
Book the TourDay 5
The Khongoryin sand is sand, dune and sand which occupies about 3% of the land area of Ömnögovi aimag. Including the Seventeen, the Nomgon and the Erygut hills, 185 km to the east from east to west, the largest sandstone of sandstone, which is 925 square kilometers in size, is one of Mongolia's largest and wealthiest. It is a depressing depression in the western east of the Khongoryn Sand dunes, Horseshoe, Hunk Lake, Harvest and Yellow bamboo, bamboo, saiga, saxaul. Here you will ride camels a
Book the TourDay 6
(Another name is Red Seas) - A place in Umnugovi Aimag and Gobi Mountains in Mongolia. Discovery of rare paleontological finds is known worldwide. In addition to the discovery of many dinosaur eggs, dinosaur nests were found in the world for the first time in the world. In addition, the vaccination and other dozen mammals were found. Mongol gobi tourist camp B, L, D
Book the TourDay 7
Gundjambuu Monastery (Memorial Hall) is located in the territory of Saikhan-Ovoo soum of Dundgovi aimag, on the banks of Ongi river and Saikhan-Ovoo mountain slopes. Ishtaronlhundev, his disciple, Tserendam Damsurdorj, built between 1760 and 1810. It is located about 18 km south of the Saikhan-Ovoo soum center, with a population of more than 1,000 monks, one of the largest Khalkha monasteries. 15 km away from the monastery, and another monastery called "Khoshuu monastery" along the ban
Book the TourDay 8
Erdene Zuu is the oldest Buddhist monastery in Mongolia. The monastery is located near the center of Kharkhorin soum of Uvurkhangai aimag and is located near the ancient city of Karakorum. This monastery belongs to the Orkhon Valley of the World Heritage List. In 1580, when he met with the Dalai Lama, his brother and brother, Tumen Khan, Guthan Khan with the Dalai Lama, promised to build a temple in his home, as the Dalai Lama advised him to restore the old temple of Karakorum, reconstructing t
Book the TourDay 9
Terkhi Tsagaan Nuur is a freshwater lake located at the Hoggy cookware in Tariat soum, Arkhangai province. The north and south side of the Khangai Mountains originate from the Khalbo volcanic hot melt.
Book the TourDay 10
Today we will pass through the high mountains. Taiga region of North Mongolia. We are located to the East Lake and located within the lakes and high mountains. Tourist camp B, L, D
Book the TourDay 11
Lake (Khuvsgul) is located in northern Mongolia in Khuvsgul aimag. The lake is Mongolia's largest and deepest lake. It is estimated that Hövsgöl is one of the seventeen ancient lakes, 2 million years old. The volume of water is 381 km³, which equals 0.4 percent of the world's freshwater. Lake 46 is poured into Lake Khuvsgul and streams to the Selenga River, which is the only river of Egiin. It takes about 1000 km to reach the Baikal Lake. The distance between these two lakes is just 200 km.
Book the TourDay 12
The Tsaatans in Hövsgöl taiga are called Tsaatans who live on reindeer for four seasons. In 1968, a carved rock carving in Sagil soum, Uvs province was a figure drawn by a reindeer and a long javelin. The paintings were used in ancient Mongolia for reindeer and forage reindeer. In the past, it was named after reindeer herds and became herders. In the taiga they speak in Tuva. Shamanism. It has its own ritual to celebrate a marriage. The main way of their livelihood is to rejoice, to benefit from
Book the TourDay 13
In Khutag-Undur soum, Bulgan province, about 80 km northwest of Bulgan, there are four erasable volcanoes in Uran, Tulga, Togoo, and Jaley in the west of the Khuvsgul road. The mountains were in the Quaternary period, and lastly 20-25 thousand years ago. The fence is 1686 meters above sea level and the family's mouth is full, with a diameter of 500-600 meters deep and 50-60 meters deep.
Book the TourDay 14
Amarbayasgalant Monastery is a large Buddhist monastery located on the territory of Baruunburen soum, Selenge aimag, Mongolia, on the Mount Kharen mountain and on the Ivir river valley. According to the Manchu Nirvaan Central Order, the monastery of the Zanabazar temple was built for the monastery of the former Ikh Khuree. Started in 1727 and completed in 1736.
Book the TourDay 15
To return to UB Overnight at the hotel, go shopping cashmere and others B, L, D
Book the TourDay 1
There are abundant wildlife species such as marmot, wolf, gecko, and marmot from Argali Mountain to Bugzin and Berkh Uul. There are also rare birds such as White Crane, White Crane, Black Crane, Blue Crane, Black Stork, and White-tailed Eagles. The nature is beautiful and there are also historical and cultural monuments. For example, the ridge of the city of the High-dov in the XIII century is here. There are also ancient tombs, shrines, cemeteries and human stones. “Gun Galuut” tourist camp L,
Learn moreDay 2
In the territory of Gorkhi-Terelj tourism area of Khentii Strictly Protected Area, 65 km of Ulaanbaatar is located in Nalaikh district, which is shaped like a frog with frogs. It's 24 meters high, and it's called Silver Rocks and Silver Rocks. In the Battle of Zuunkhaan, King Galalanboshigt King Manchu suffered a great deal of damage, but he escaped the escaped blockade of the unstoppable battle and fed the remaining power behind the Turtle Rock. When the warriors were prepared to flee to the
Learn moreDay 3
Dundgovi is 230 km from Ulaanbaatar. The rocks and rocks are located about 300 square miles in height, surrounded by surrounding areas. The highest peak is 1768 meters above sea level. In the valleys and valleys of the mountains covered with granite flows, springs and springs originated from the mountains.
Learn moreDay 4
The famous "Yol valley" is one of the nine wonders of the South Gobi province, located on the eastern hill of the "Gobi Gurvan Nuadu" mountain, the continuation of the Altai Mountains. This beautiful mouth was very early in 1965, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Great Powers, Mongolia became the Strictly Protected Area of Mongolia. In 1993, the State Great Hural approved Resolution 83 by the Gobi Gurvan Nuur National Park. One of the most beautiful places in the easter
Learn moreDay 5
The Khongoryin sand is sand, dune and sand which occupies about 3% of the land area of Ömnögovi aimag. Including the Seventeen, the Nomgon and the Erygut hills, 185 km to the east from east to west, the largest sandstone of sandstone, which is 925 square kilometers in size, is one of Mongolia's largest and wealthiest. It is a depressing depression in the western east of the Khongoryn Sand dunes, Horseshoe, Hunk Lake, Harvest and Yellow bamboo, bamboo, saiga, saxaul. Here you will ride camels a
Learn moreDay 6
(Another name is Red Seas) - A place in Umnugovi Aimag and Gobi Mountains in Mongolia. Discovery of rare paleontological finds is known worldwide. In addition to the discovery of many dinosaur eggs, dinosaur nests were found in the world for the first time in the world. In addition, the vaccination and other dozen mammals were found. Mongol gobi tourist camp B, L, D
Learn moreDay 7
Gundjambuu Monastery (Memorial Hall) is located in the territory of Saikhan-Ovoo soum of Dundgovi aimag, on the banks of Ongi river and Saikhan-Ovoo mountain slopes. Ishtaronlhundev, his disciple, Tserendam Damsurdorj, built between 1760 and 1810. It is located about 18 km south of the Saikhan-Ovoo soum center, with a population of more than 1,000 monks, one of the largest Khalkha monasteries. 15 km away from the monastery, and another monastery called "Khoshuu monastery" along the ban
Learn moreDay 8
Erdene Zuu is the oldest Buddhist monastery in Mongolia. The monastery is located near the center of Kharkhorin soum of Uvurkhangai aimag and is located near the ancient city of Karakorum. This monastery belongs to the Orkhon Valley of the World Heritage List. In 1580, when he met with the Dalai Lama, his brother and brother, Tumen Khan, Guthan Khan with the Dalai Lama, promised to build a temple in his home, as the Dalai Lama advised him to restore the old temple of Karakorum, reconstructing t
Learn moreDay 9
Terkhi Tsagaan Nuur is a freshwater lake located at the Hoggy cookware in Tariat soum, Arkhangai province. The north and south side of the Khangai Mountains originate from the Khalbo volcanic hot melt.
Learn moreDay 10
Today we will pass through the high mountains. Taiga region of North Mongolia. We are located to the East Lake and located within the lakes and high mountains. Tourist camp B, L, D
Learn moreDay 11
Lake (Khuvsgul) is located in northern Mongolia in Khuvsgul aimag. The lake is Mongolia's largest and deepest lake. It is estimated that Hövsgöl is one of the seventeen ancient lakes, 2 million years old. The volume of water is 381 km³, which equals 0.4 percent of the world's freshwater. Lake 46 is poured into Lake Khuvsgul and streams to the Selenga River, which is the only river of Egiin. It takes about 1000 km to reach the Baikal Lake. The distance between these two lakes is just 200 km.
Learn moreDay 12
The Tsaatans in Hövsgöl taiga are called Tsaatans who live on reindeer for four seasons. In 1968, a carved rock carving in Sagil soum, Uvs province was a figure drawn by a reindeer and a long javelin. The paintings were used in ancient Mongolia for reindeer and forage reindeer. In the past, it was named after reindeer herds and became herders. In the taiga they speak in Tuva. Shamanism. It has its own ritual to celebrate a marriage. The main way of their livelihood is to rejoice, to benefit from
Learn moreDay 13
In Khutag-Undur soum, Bulgan province, about 80 km northwest of Bulgan, there are four erasable volcanoes in Uran, Tulga, Togoo, and Jaley in the west of the Khuvsgul road. The mountains were in the Quaternary period, and lastly 20-25 thousand years ago. The fence is 1686 meters above sea level and the family's mouth is full, with a diameter of 500-600 meters deep and 50-60 meters deep.
Learn moreDay 14
Amarbayasgalant Monastery is a large Buddhist monastery located on the territory of Baruunburen soum, Selenge aimag, Mongolia, on the Mount Kharen mountain and on the Ivir river valley. According to the Manchu Nirvaan Central Order, the monastery of the Zanabazar temple was built for the monastery of the former Ikh Khuree. Started in 1727 and completed in 1736.
Learn moreDay 15
To return to UB Overnight at the hotel, go shopping cashmere and others B, L, D
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