Та 6 өдөр бидэнтэй хамт Нийгата мужийн жижиг дунд үйлдвэртэй танилцаж , түүх соёлын дурсгалт газраар аялах аялалд бүртгэж байна.
Онгоцны тийз болон Визний хураамж, аялалын даатгал
Аялалын зардал
Чөлөөт цагийн оройн хоолны зардал ороогүй
Хөтөлбөрт олон сонирхолтой үзвэр, сюприз бэлдсэн байгаа.
Яагаад Нийгата гэж?
Нийгата муж нь Хоншү арлын төвийн ойролцоо оршдог бөгөөд Япон тэнгис рүү харсан хойноос урагшаа сунаж тогтсон, Японы 5 дахь том хот юм.
Нийгата мужийн онцлогоос дурдахад:
Эрчим хүчний цэг болох Яхико сүм
Японы хамгийн том алтны уурхай болох Нийгата мужийн Садо алтны уурхай
Японы хамгийн их цастай бүсүүдийн нэг тул цанаар гулгах зэрэг өвлийн спортоор хичээллэх олон газартай
Цагаан будааны үйлдвэрлэлээрээ улсдаа нэгдүгээрт ордог Японы тэргүүлэгч будаа үйлдвэрлэгчдийн нэг гэдгээрээ алдартай
Мөн саке үйлдвэрлэдэг газруудын тоогоор Япондоо тэргүүлдэг бөгөөд та тэдэнтэй танилцах боломжтой.
Day 1
Approximate distance covered and estimated travel time: 140 km, 2-2.5 hours Travel to the Tsonchinboldog to visit the Giant Statue of Chinggis Khan. Afterwards, a short drive to the Gun Galuut Nature Reserve, nestled in the Khentii Mountains. Optional hiking to Mt.Baits to view the Argali wild mountain sheep, White Naped Cranes and other wildlife. Visit a nomadic family. Overnight in a ger camp. (L, D)
Book the TourDay 2
Approximate distance covered and estimated travel time: 1-2 hours After breakfast, we drive to Terelj National Park, one of the most visited sites near Ulaanbaatar. Terelj is set in the picturesque valley of granite mountains and the beautiful Terelj River. Transfer to tourist ger camp. We will then visit the Turtle Rock and the Temple of Meditation. Hike around and ride camels and horses if you would like to. Overnight in a ger camp.
Book the TourDay 3
Approximate distance covered and estimated travel time: 1-3 hours Drive back to Ulaanbaatar after breakfast. In the afternoon, we will visit some interesting museums including Sukhbaatar square, the National Historical Museum and Gandantegchilen monastery and we will watch traditional show, which offers great taste of nomads’ culture deeper. The remainder of the day is free for cashmere shopping that Mongolian cashmere is very famous in the world and visitors go shopping there. Overnight in ho
Book the TourDay 4
All day long for Naadam Festival Opening ceremony of the national festival Horse racing in the Hui doloon hudag.
Book the TourDay 1
Approximate distance covered and estimated travel time: 140 km, 2-2.5 hours Travel to the Tsonchinboldog to visit the Giant Statue of Chinggis Khan. Afterwards, a short drive to the Gun Galuut Nature Reserve, nestled in the Khentii Mountains. Optional hiking to Mt.Baits to view the Argali wild mountain sheep, White Naped Cranes and other wildlife. Visit a nomadic family. Overnight in a ger camp. (L, D)
Learn moreDay 2
Approximate distance covered and estimated travel time: 1-2 hours After breakfast, we drive to Terelj National Park, one of the most visited sites near Ulaanbaatar. Terelj is set in the picturesque valley of granite mountains and the beautiful Terelj River. Transfer to tourist ger camp. We will then visit the Turtle Rock and the Temple of Meditation. Hike around and ride camels and horses if you would like to. Overnight in a ger camp.
Learn moreDay 3
Approximate distance covered and estimated travel time: 1-3 hours Drive back to Ulaanbaatar after breakfast. In the afternoon, we will visit some interesting museums including Sukhbaatar square, the National Historical Museum and Gandantegchilen monastery and we will watch traditional show, which offers great taste of nomads’ culture deeper. The remainder of the day is free for cashmere shopping that Mongolian cashmere is very famous in the world and visitors go shopping there. Overnight in ho
Learn moreDay 4
All day long for Naadam Festival Opening ceremony of the national festival Horse racing in the Hui doloon hudag.
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